必利勁跟威而鋼哪個厲害 | 全台葬儀社評價
年初,臺“經建會主委”劉憶如指出,今年經濟成長率有望達到5%,不過半年多後她已修正為4.5%。去年臺灣經濟增幅超過瞭10%,年初各大預測機構幾乎一致 ...
CLICK HERE for updated COVID-19 information and a detailed description of proactive measures we are undertaking to protect our residents and staff.
Under the revised CMS QSO-20-39-NH revised on November 12, 2021, facilities may expand visitation to be allowed for all residents at all times. Please remember at each visit you must stop at the front desk to complete the sign-in and COVID-19 screening process. As always, televisits remain available by scheduling with the activities department.
The Facility’s Visitation Plan and Visitation Fact Sheet are available on our website for your information.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon.
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